Model and actress Komal Meer began her career with Miss Veet Pakistan. In a short period of time, she has starred in numerous dramas and participated in a number of advertising campaigns. Recently, she has appeared in shows with high ratings, such as Rah e Junoon and Ae Dil. Her recent change in appearance has put her in the news.

There has been a lot of conversation about Komal Meer’s weight and facial changes since she shared her new appearance on social media. Many internet users believed that her face appeared so swollen because of fillers rather than weight gain. She made an appearance at the launch of a new store, and her face was significantly different from the one she wore to Yashma Gill’s sister’s wedding. She now looks like this:

Her live appearance looked like this:
On the internet, there is a lot of discussion regarding Komal Meer’s recent appearance. While some believe that she has had too much filler done and has begun to resemble Selena Gomez, many see her face change as beneficial. See how people are reacting to Komal Meer’s new look: