Nadia Khan is a drama critic in addition to being an actress and host. She talks about various dramas, their performances, and their content on the show Kya Drama Hai. She was not a huge fan of Amar Khan’s drama Dil e Nadan and had criticized and ridiculed her for it.

During her recent appearance on the FHM podcast, Amar Khan discussed the widespread criticism her drama has received. Regarding Nadia Khan’s criticism, she responded that an actor shouldn’t be afraid to try new things because Nadia is a friend and a project may succeed or fail.

Adnan Faysal, the host of the FHM podcast, has now come under fire from Nadia Khan, who claims that he was attempting to put her on a pedestal because Amar Khan is a friend of hers and she wants to expose those who pose such queries on their podcasts. Adnan also offered his perspective, stating that he is simply carrying out his duties as a host, which include inquiring about whatever has transpired.

This is how things transpired, and Nadia Khan and Adnan Faysal ultimately got into a verbal sparring match: