Actress and host Juggan Kazim has been working in the business for more than 20 years. She has always talked about her difficulties and is very candid about both her personal and professional lives. She has always encouraged women to leave abusive relationships, and she has openly shared with her fans her divorce and the abuse she endured.

During his appearance on Mazaq Raat, Juggan Kazim discussed relationships, love, and heartbreak. “I think love is always one-sided,” she said. similar to how a mother adores her child or how you fall in love. You love the other person just as much and don’t hold them to any expectations. You don’t create checklists for love, she continued. Fundamentally, love is always one-sided. She also talked about experiencing a significant heartbreak and the lessons she learned from it. Despite her love for her first husband, she was unable to tolerate abuse.

She said this:
She also discussed how marriage alters a person. Men stop being loving and caring, and women stop caring about how they look. They are inconsiderate of one another. A lovely person who still values you the same after marriage is hard to come by. Juggan Kazim stated this:
People should break up with someone if they are being taken advantage of, according to Juggan Kazim. If you are not happy there, she advised you to leave the equation.

Pay attention to what she suggested: