Nadaan is an upcoming drama series on Hum TV featuring Ahmed Ali Akbar and Ramsha Khan. This mini-series marks the second installment of the short drama series introduced by Sultana Siddiqui. The narrative of Nadaan revolves around the theme of drug addiction. Ahmed Ali Akbar takes on the role of a policeman, while Ramsha Khan portrays a doctor. The series will consist of 8 episodes and is directed by Mehreen Jabbar, with the script penned by Saji Gul. Sultana Siddiqui serves as the producer of the drama.
Ramsha Khan
Ahmed Ali Akbar
Ali Gul Mallah
Ahmed Randhawa
Kashif Hussain
Hammad Shoaib
Ramsha Khan
Ramsha Khan is a renowned and talented Pakistani actress in television productions and films. She initially in the movie “Thora Jee Le.” Some of her prominent dramas include “Mah E Tamaam,” “Khud Parast,” “Kaisa Hai Naseeba,” “Shahrukh ki Saliyaan,” “Shehnai,” “Ishqiya,” “Hum Tum,” and “Sinf E Aahan.” She is lately becoming popular with her performance in Green Entertainment’s drama serial “Duniyapur.” She will also appear in Hum TV’s mini-series “Nadaan” soon. Ramsha is unmarried and loves her family. She feels overwhelmed with millions of admirers. She recently won the Hum Award for the category Best On-Screen Pairing with Ahad Raza Mir.
Ahmed Ali Akbar
Ahmed Ali Akbar is a well-known and gifted Pakistani actor who works in theater, television, and movies. Guzarish, Yeh Raha Dil, Mera Yaar Mila De, Phir Wohi Muhabbat, Nazo, Paiwand, Tajdeed E Wafa, Ehd E Wafa, Dusri Bivi, and Idiot are some of Ahmed’s well-known plays. Following the release of his highly successful drama Parizaad in 2021, Ahmed Ali Akbar experienced tremendous fame and popularity. Soon, Ahmed Ali Akbar will appear in Nadaan, where he will portray a police officer. Ahmed Ali Akbar does not currently have a partner. He’s got a lot of industry friends.
Ali Gul Mallah
The gifted Pakistani actor Ali Gul Mallah got his start in theater and television with Sindhi dramas. Although he has performed in several dramas, Ishq Murshid has recently brought him notoriety. Yakeen Ka Safar and Besharam are two of his other well-known dramas. Since the drama serial Ishq Murshid became successful, he has been given more roles. Ali Gul Mallah will soon be seen in Nadaan, Hum TV’s upcoming project.
Ahmed Randhawa
Ahmed Randhawa is a promising Pakistani actor. He has previously worked in Bichoo, Agar, and Serial Killer. Fans are praising his acting abilities in Green Entertainment’s drama series Iqtidar. Ahmed Randhawa will soon appear in the Hum TV drama series Nadaan.
Kashif Hussain
A rising star in Pakistan, Kashif Hussain has acted in films such as Churails, Akhara, Qatil Haseenaon Ker Naam, Mushkil, and others. He started his professional life at NAPA as a theater actor and instructor. He later won a Full Bright Scholarship to the University of Texas, Austin, where he studied dance, acting, and directing. He will now appear on Hum TV in a noteworthy mainstream drama serial.
Hammad Shoaib
The talented Pakistani actor Hammad Shoaib has acted in many well-known dramas to date, including Saaya 2, Kaisi Teri Khudgharzi, Dil Hi Tou Hai, Raaz E Ulfat, Maa Nahi Saas Hoon Main, Tum Bin Kesay Jiyen, Soteli Mamta, and Ibadat E Ishq. Nadaan, the upcoming drama serial on Hum TV, stars Hammad Shoaib. Loved by his family, Hammad Shoaib is single. Another attribute of Hammad Shoaib’s fame is his flawless dancing.
Nadaan Timings:
The drama series is scheduled to premiere in prime time at 8:00 p.m.
Nadaan Schedule:
Nadaan, the drama serial that will air every Saturday, has taken Mann Jogi’s place.