Behroze Sabzwari began his career as a child actor and has been in the business for fifty years. He is prosperous, and both the general public and critics consistently recognize his talent. As one of the industry veterans who has watched it grow and change, Behroze Sabzwari is able to identify the positive and negative aspects of this evolution.

During his Gup Shab guest appearance, Behroze Sabzwari revealed which current actors he finds most appealing. He claimed that after working with him on Humsafar, Fawad Khan and Mahira Khan rose to fame. He went on to say that they are his favorites because Mahira hasn’t changed much since their Humsafar days, while Fawad is still as sophisticated.

What he said was this:
Additionally, he mentioned how many new people are entering the acting industry and how he doesn’t think they are sincere about it. He continued by saying that the only reason these kids came was to become famous. Even in depressing moments, they can be seen sporting a full blowout and makeup because their on-screen persona is more important to them than their skill.

Take a look at what the celebrity said: