Singer, musician, and activist Shehzad Roy has dedicated a great deal of his time to advancing Pakistani education through Zindagi, his trust. Several accolades have been bestowed upon him, including the highest civilian award from the Pakistani government, in recognition of his efforts in the field of education and his assistance to earthquake victims.

Shehzad Roy discussed his work with schools and his inspirations for all the good he does in the nation in an interview with Fuchsia Magazine. According to Shehzad, he doesn’t really accomplish anything worthwhile when he is motivated by sawab. It has never been his goal, he revealed, even though his mother performs many altruistic acts for sawab, such as providing financial support or arranging marriages.

He claimed that his driving force is the need for reforms in the education system because those changes are what will create social equity. He has battled valiantly to ensure that everyone in this nation has equal opportunities, which is why he is acting in this manner.

Shehzad Roy explains his motivations for working with Zindagi Trust in this video: