Pakistani actor Rabya Kulsoom is incredibly beautiful and gifted, working in both film and television. Her roles in consecutively popular Pakistani drama serials, such as Farq, Fraud, Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha, Ghammandi, and others, have brought her enormous recognition. Her outstanding work in every drama was highly praised by critics. She was recently adored by fans for Mannat Murad and Mujhe Pyaar Hua Tha.
With Rihan Nazim, Rabya Kulsoom is blissfully married and has a charming son. She has been enjoying spending more time with her family lately. She was most recently seen at the launch of Asim Azhar’s debut album. Several artists, including Ranay, Natasha Baig, Aima Baig, and others, were present at the event. Pairing up in red were Rabya Kulsoom, Maham Aamir, Faizan Sheikh, and Rihan Nazim. Here, we’ve collected some stunning photos from the occasion for your enjoyment: