Among the most respected Islamic scholars worldwide is Maulana Tariq Jamil. He has made significant efforts to convert others to Islam. People admire and love him because he is a scholar who has always worked to foster harmony between different religions. Inspiring others, he is also very transparent about his own journey. Not only is Maulana Tariq Jamil adored in Pakistan, but also worldwide.

This year, Maulana went through a great private tragedy when he lost his beloved, depressed son Asim Jamil. The family was completely taken aback, and Maulana was candid about the suffering his son’s illness caused and how his son’s passing was a great tragedy for him. After losing his son, Maulana is celebrating Eid for the first time this year.

Speaking with Hafiz Ahmed, Maulana revealed that, of all their children, Asim became the most compassionate in the eyes of both his parents. He was very charming to his parents because of his behavior and submission to them. When he talked about his late son on the first Eid after he lost him, he became clearly emotional.

This is what he revealed right now: